Who sponsors the Japanese Homestay Program?
It is sponsored by Mission To Japan Inc., a nonprofit (501(c3)), nondenominational Christian mission agency started in Orlando, Florida in 1993.
Why should we be involved?
This is a fun opportunity for the whole family to be involved in missions without much cost.
This is one of the most efficient and effective methods to reach Japan with the gospel, where only about 1% are Christian.
What are the host family’s responsibilities?
Host families volunteer to provide meals and a room for one student for 2 ~ 4 weeks. Host families should have a little time in the evenings and on the weekends to spend with their student. In addition, host families drop their student off at a local church in the morning, and pick their student up in the evenings. If transportation is a problem, car pooling can sometimes be arranged to help. The only expense is some extra meals, transportation for pick up and drop off, and any activities the host family chooses to do with their student. Mission To Japan takes the students as a group to many theme parks during the week, and the cost is already covered.
What is the basic schedule?
Monday through Friday students are brought to a local church in the morning around 9:15 am and are picked up around
5:30 pm or later. During this time the students study English and the Bible, go shopping, sightseeing or participate in various activities. On the weekend students experience everyday life with an American family. See "Homestay Schedule" for the exact schedule
Do the students speak English?
Most students speak a little English and look forward to improving their speaking ability by becoming friends with Americans.
Are students screened?
Our staff in Japan screens students through the application process and gives them orientation before they arrive. Our experience since the very first program in 1990 has been that Japanese college students are very polite and courteous. We explain the Christian aspect of our program up front, and so this attracts students who are open to hearing about our
faith, and who are well behaved.
Why do Japanese want to join this program?
The students join for the chance to practice their English, learn about American culture, and do some sightseeing in the US. This program gives them a great educational opportunity and exposes them to the good news of our Christian faith.
Is there follow up with the students after they go back to Japan?
Our staff and alumni in Japan invite the students to church and campus ministries in Japan. There are also follow up mission trips to Japan each year whereby American Christian college students help encourage seekers and young believers.
Could we talk with other churches or families who have experienced this ministry?
Absolutely! Many churches and families have enjoyed this ministry so much that they look forward to the program every year. Please call for references.
What if we’re a little apprehensive about hosting?
It’s natural to be a little nervous at first, but the host family orientation and encouragement from veteran host families will help you have a great experience. Why not take a step of faith and see what the Lord will do?
When and where?
Each year there are three programs: February/March, August, and the Christmas program. There is also a mission trip to Japan each summer for young adults (ages 18 - 24). See "Homestay Schedule" for the exact schedule.